Friday, June 18, 2010

Making Muscle Mass Without Requiring Weights Is Possible

It is pretty easy and effective to build muscle without weights if you can think outside of the box. The belief that you must use weights in order to have a powerful physique, is amusing. Body weight training is becoming popular again, fortunately. Not only is it possible to build muscle without weights, there are groups of people more impressive physiques than what you find in the typical gym environment.

No Need for Weights, And You Can Still Have That Great Body

If you've been tuning into the Summer Olympics, then you have seen the male gymnasts. These guys probably have the most ripped and muscular physiques in all of sport and all of it is created using body weight resistance. Their muscles are amazingly cut, not just large in size. Any excess body fat just melts away when you build muscle without weights. Your diet is so much more effective than if you just curls hand weights in the gym. If you are a little chubby, it makes the exercises harder to perform.

Is It Really Possible to Gain Great Muscle Tone And Not Use Free Weights?

Sure, free weights are needed if you're trying to look like a body builder, but those kinds of bodies aren't attractive to most people. In late 80s, the Mr. Olympia physique was in, but it's quite passe now. No one is really trying to transform themselves into that grotesque look. It wasn't long before it became apparent that it wasn't natural or healthy. Having phenomenal muscle tone along with an average body weight is quite rewarding. There is a threshold that once you cross it, your strength to weight ratio is not right anymore. Too much muscles is actually counter productive. A bodybuilder is not as strong pound for pound as a gymnast.

In Order to Gain Muscle You Must Be Successful at One Arm and One Leg Exercises

You want to challenge yourself and add muscle. So you want to build muscle without weights by utilizing resistance. This will push you farther. Sure you can do push ups with a weighted backpack and for your chin ups, you can try a weighted belt. But what will work even better is doing your push ups using only one arm. Try chin ups with only one arm. Do one legged squats. So, really, no accessories are needed.

To build muscle, just become skilled at doing four or five difficult body weight exercises.

For an amazing physique simply master one arm push ups, one arm chin ups, hanging leg raises, and "pistol squats". To really challenge yourself, work on the hand stand push ups after you've accomplished the basic lifts. Once you can do these with ease, you will know that you can build muscle without weights. Your body will reflect all your body weight resistance work.

Building Muscle Mass Without Requiring Weights Is Feasible

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